Preparing for Samhain
This is my favorite time of the year! I love the chilly weather, wearing flannels, snuggling under fleece blankets, and the longer nights. As a creative person, I also find inspiration in the colors of the changing leaves and the stetched out hours of twilight. But, perhaps my favorite thing about the Fall is Halloween, or Samhain , as it is known on the Wheel of the Year.
Samhain is the last of the Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year. To the ancient Celts, it marked the start of their year. Even though it's no longer recognized that way, Samhain still marks the end of the harvest period. It is a time to reflect on what you have sown over the past year, to celebrate your accomplishments, and take stock of the lessons learned. It is also a good time to honor your ancestors and do divination work as the veil is thin between now and All Soul's Day.
Here are some suggestions as to how you can enhance your Samhain celebrations:
Create an altar to honor our ancestors. This doesn't have to be an elborate endeavor, a shelf or small table would do. Adorn it with pictures or items that belonged to those that have passed and add a candle you can light.
Spend some time journaling on the past year and begin thinking about what you would like to bring into your life in the coming year.
Do any kind of divination work - Tarot, Oracle cards, work with a pendulum or dowsing rods, etc.
Celebrate the harvest by hosting a dinner for friends using seasonal vegetables, such as pumpkin, acorn squash, butternut squash, peppers, and tomatoes.

Current Offerings
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Attend the Full Hunter's Moon Ceremony on 10/17 at 7:30 PM - This is a FREE event -
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Coming Soon: Future Offerings
I am currently working on several projects including a book based on my signature program Reclaiming Your Inner Goddess and an Oracle deck of channeled light language symbols. I will also be offering some self-paced, recorded courses and expanding my Substack offerings to include meditations on spiritual texts such as A Course in Miracles, Conversations with God, and The Kybalion. Lastly, I wlll be adding some more FREE resources to my website, like a holiday planner.